“Veritas Accountants provides peace of mind by confirming that your auto-assessment was done correctly.”
From 1st August 2020, SARS will notify taxpayers if they will be auto-assessed by SARS. This auto-assessment, will be based on 3rd party information, which SARS received from your Employers, Financial Institutions, Medical Schemes and Retirement Fund Administrators.
Once you’ve been notified of an auto assessment, you have the option to either accept or reject SARS’s auto-assessment.
If you accept SARS’s auto-assessment, there will be no need for us to submit a tax return to SARS, on your behalf. Please notify us of your acceptance via WhatsApp or Email.
If you want Veritas Accountants to confirm and verify that all your information and deductions, were indeed included in your auto-assessment, please notify us to verify this on your behalf.
Should you not receive any notification from SARS regarding an auto assessment, Veritas Accountants will submit your 2020 tax return, as previous years.
Submissions via E-filing will commence from 1 September 2020 to 16 November 2020 for Non-Provisional taxpayers, and from 1 September 2020 – 28 January 2021 for Provisional taxpayers.